my favourite phhotoshop technique
Posted: Saturday, March 13, 2010 by shibs inThis is one of Photoshop simple and the most effective technique. I have learned it from my guru Rakesh, and most of my graphic effects are linked to this effect somehow or the other. This post is actually dedicated to my buddy Vishnu, who loves Photoshop to the core. Just follow the steps
Each step has a corresponding, link to it, with an illustration
Step 1: If you are new to Photoshop and aren’t aware of the basic just as importing pictures or layers, I suggest that you stay out.
Step 2: open your picture in Photoshop
Step 3: my default (in photoshop cs4) you will have your layer pane in your right hand pane you would see back ground image, right click on the image and choose duplicate layer
Step 4: go to filter >> blur >> Gaussian blur
Step 5: now below the layer, click on add mask twice
Step 6: once you have done that click on the brush tool
Step7: this is one of the most important step, make sure the brush color is black, that is choose the back ground color and the fore color black
Step 8: Once that is done, gently using the brush tool, brush over the image, you will see the back ground image. I have used the blur effect here; it is more effective when you use other filter like charcoal, glass paint etc
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